Heal your relationship with food and make peace with your body.

Intuitive Eating is an evidenced-based health approach created by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. 
Intuitive eating is often referred to as anti-diet. No foods are off limits! 

There aren’t rules on when, what or how much to eat.  A non-diet approach takes the focus away from judging success based on a number on the scale and redirects it to placing it on behaviors that promote healthy lifestyle changes. 

Our Intuitive Eating program is guided by the expertise of our registered dietitian and certified Intuitive Eating counselor, Karla Lund, RDN. This comprehensive, evidence-based journey empowers you to re-establish a harmonious relationship with food and your body.

Karla Lund is located in Fargo, ND for in-person and virtual sessions. Your health insurance may cover this program.

What are the benefits of the Intuitive Eating program?

  1. Improved Relationship with Food: It helps individuals develop a healthier and more positive relationship with food, promoting a sense of freedom from restrictive diets and food-related anxieties.

  2. Enhanced Body Awareness: The approach encourages tuning into hunger and fullness cues, fostering better awareness of bodily signals and promoting mindful eating.

  3. Long-Term Weight Management: While not a weight loss program, Intuitive Eating is associated with sustainable and long-term health, as it focuses on overall well-being rather than restrictive weight-centric goals.

  4. Reduced Emotional Eating: By addressing emotional triggers and promoting a non-restrictive approach, Intuitive Eating can help individuals manage and reduce emotional eating patterns.

  5. Mental Health Benefits: Intuitive Eating emphasizes self-compassion and self-care, contributing to improved mental health by reducing guilt and anxiety associated with food choices.

  6. Decreased Disordered Eating: Adopting intuitive eating principles may reduce the risk of developing disordered eating habits, as it encourages a balanced and mindful approach to food.

  7. Positive Lifestyle Changes: Intuitive Eating shifts the focus from external rules to internal cues, promoting behavior changes that lead to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

What does the program look like?

  1. Discovery Virtual Meeting or Call (FREE!)

    Let’s talk! In this FREE, 15-minute discovery call with Karla, you learn about Intuitive Eating, length of the program, tools used, expectations from the sessions, and if it feels like it may resonate with your needs. This can be a phone call or virtual meeting.

  2. Initial Assessment (60 minutes)

    This is a required first session and includes a detailed personal diet history, and discussions on the intuitive eating principles, your goals and your plan. We will initiate rejecting the diet mentality (principle 1) and the principle(s) that may follow for the next session. Intuitive Eating workbook included!

  3. Follow-Up Sessions (60 minutes)

    Sessions include discussions, techniques and/or exercises to work through the 10 Intuitive Eating principles. Initial assessment is required. These should be scheduled every two weeks or so and the entire program will be completed within 6 months. These sessions are offered in person or virtually. Additionally, I will reach out to you after one month of program completion to check in. 

  4. Intuitive Eating Program (ten 60 minute sessions)

    Want a great option for one-on-one support? Here it is! Includes the Intuitive Eating workbook,  a 60 minute initial assessment, ten 60 minute follow up sessions and a check in following the 6 month program.  Sessions will be pre-scheduled to complete the entire program within a six month timeframe.

    The program may be covered by your insurance depending on your coverage. If you do not have coverage, we can offer you a cash rate. Please call or email info@progressweight.com to inquire for more information.

    Pay in full and receive a 15% discount or make a down payment of $150 before your first session and pay $166.67 on the first of each month for the six months as we work through the program.

Intuitive Eating is an empowerment tool that you can use to escape from the dieting cycle and weight obsession to move towards truly being in touch with your body and heal your relationship with food.